Offeree companyAustria Haustechnik Aktiengesellschaft (FN 51957 h)
OfferorFreezing & Chilling Beteiligungs GmbH
Acceptance period03 Sep to 12 Nov 2002, n.a.
Offer priceEUR 21 per share of Austria Haustechnik Aktiengesellschaft
Offer volume604,654 shares, 37.32% of the share capital
Premium2.4 % (3M), 2.5 % (6M), 13.6 % (12M)
Paying agentBank Austria Creditanstalt Aktiengesellschaft
Share held by Offeror prior to announcement of bid62.68%
Extended Acceptance Period

Original acceptance period: 3 September to 14 October 2002
Prolongation by 20 trading days: until 12 November 2002