Offeree companyVogel & Noot Wärmetechnik Aktiengesellschaft (FN 51957 h)
OfferorOy Rettig Ab
Acceptance period10 Jun to 05 Jul 2002, n.a.
Offer priceEUR 14.32 per share of Vogel & Noot Wärmetechnik Aktiengesellschaft
Offer volume529,806 per share of Vogel & Noot Wärmetechnik Aktiengesellschaft; 15.58% of the share capital
Premium36.6 % (3M), 38.9 % (6M), 49.2 % (12M)
Paying agentBank Austria Aktiengesellschaft
Share held by Offeror prior to announcement of bid

84.42 shares of the share capital

Trigger for the mandatory bidThe Offeror acquired
(i) a share of 81.5% in the Offeree Company from Vogel & Noot Holding AG (i.e. 2,771,071 shares), and
(ii) a share of 2.92% in the Offeree Company from Vinzenz Pengg-Bührlen GmbH (i.e. 99,123 shares)