Offeree companyS IMMO AG (FN 58358x)
ISINAT0000795737 and AT0000630694
OfferorS IMMO AG
Acceptance period21 May to 06 Jul 2014, 15. hrs. Vienna local time
Offer priceEUR 79.11 per profit-sharing certificate
Offer volume1,140,000 S IMMO profit-sharing certificates

Premium with respect to ISIN AT0000795737: 1.69% (3M); 1.38% (6M); 3.06% (12M) 

Premium with respect to ISIN AT0000630694: 2.39% (3M); 1.23% (6M); 1.76% (12M)

Paying agentErste Group Bank AG, Am Graben 21, 1010 Wien
Share held by bidder prior to announcement of offer


Exchange ratio:Based on the exchange ratio of 1:0.15822 (= exchange price of the S IMMO profit-sharing certificate to the nominal value of the partial debt security), the exchange offer can only be accepted by holders of profit-sharing certificates who own at least seven units of S IMMO profit-sharing certificates (either ISIN AT0000795737 or ISIN AT0000630694). The fractions resulting from the submittal of S IMMO profit-sharing certificates due to the exchange ratio are settled in cash when the deal is executed (cash settlement). (See section 3.3 of the Offer Document)
Partial bid

The offer is addressed to all holders of the 2,280,797 units of outstanding S IMMO INVEST profit-sharing certificates made up of 1,284,065 profit-sharing certificates with identical features and the code ISIN AT0000795737 and of 996,732 profit-sharing certificates with the code ISIN AT0000630694 (together “S IMMO profit-sharing certificates”).

Due to the limited offer volume of 1,140,000 S IMMO profit-sharing certificates, it is not possible to exchange the entire outstanding volume of the profit-sharing capital within the scope of the exchange offer, but only a share of 49.98%. The limited offer volume does not rule out in any way that each of the holders of profit-sharing certificates may submit all S IMMO profit-sharing certificates for acceptance in this exchange offer. Should S IMMO receive in total more than 1,140,000 S IMMO profit-sharing certificates valid for acceptance, or, if within the scope of the exchange offer the issue ‘Anleihe 2014’ is oversubscribed, a reduction in the allocation of the S IMMO profit-sharing certificates submitted for acceptance is possible based on the allocation rules pursuant to section 5.5.