Offeree companyECO Business-Immobilien AG (FN 241364y)
Offerorconwert Immobilien Invest SE
Acceptance period02 Jul to 30 Jul 2010, 17:00 hrs. Vienna local time
Offer priceEUR 7.15 per share ofECO Business-Immobilien AG
Offer volume25,380,086 shares of ECO Business-Immobilien AG
Premium43.6% (3M); 47.4% (6M); 60.7% (12M)

(1) Non-prohibition and/or approval of the envisaged transaction by the competent antitrust authorities of Austria and Germany by 31 August 2010.

(2) The Bidder purchases more than 50% of the Shares in the Target Company which are subject of the Offer.If the Bidder and parties acting in concert with the Bidder purchase Shares in parallel to the Offer, such share purchases shall be added to the declarations of acceptance.

(3) The Target Company has neither become insolvent (Zahlungsunfähig) nor have bankruptcy proceedings, restructuring proceedings (Sanierungsverfahren) or reorganisation proceedings been initiated or dismissed by a competent court due to lack of assets.

(4) No changes or events occur by the end of the Acceptance Period which result in or are very likely to result in a reduction of the consolidated net assets (excluding net assets attributable to minorities) of the Offeree Company by 15% or more compared to the audited consolidated net assets (excluding net assets attributable to minorities) as of 31 March 2010.

Paying agentUniCredit Bank Austria AG, Schottengasse 6-8, 1010 Vienna
Share held by Offeror prior to announcement of bid
