Oferee companyUnternehmens Invest Aktiengesellschaft (FN 104570f)
OfferorKnünz Invest Beteiligungs GmbH
Acceptance period22 Dec 2011 to 05 Jan 2012
Offer priceEUR 11.28 per share
Offer volume894,134 shares
Premium-24.83% (3M); 1.33% (6M); 16.22% (12M); 21.45% (24M)
Paying agentRaiffeisen Centrobank AG, Tegetthoffstraße 1, 1010 Vienna
Share held by Offeror prior to announcement of bid

2,182,003 shares; 54.55%

Waiver declaration

There are binding waiver declarations of Swisspartners Strategy Fund PCC for the shares of UIAG in an amount of 535,922 shares and of Oberbank PE Holding GmbH for the shares UIAG in an amount of 387,941 shares.

Should the shares of Swisspartners Strategy Fund PCC or Oberbank PE Holding GmbH be delivered in the offer despite the waiver declarations, the Offeror agrees to acquire also these shares within the scope of this mandatory bid.