Offeree companySteiermärkische Elektrizitäts-AG (FN 55.249 z)
ISINAT 000 079815 2
OfferorÖsterreichische Elektrizitätswirtschafts-Aktiengesellschaft
Acceptance period14 Jan to 23 Mar 2000, n.a.
Offer priceEUR 625 (ATS 8,600.19) per share of Steiermärkische Elektrizitäts-AG
Offer volume3,784 bearer shares correspond to 0.76% of the share capital
Premium+ 54.3% (trading day before announcement of intention to bid), +55.7% (6M), +56.0% (12M)
Paying agentOesterreichische Kontrollbank Aktiengesellschaft
Share held by bidder prior to announcement of offer

3341,887 shares, parties acting in concert: 7,591 shares, in total 69.89% of the share capital